Recovery Month, National Advocacy, Member Spotlight, and More!
From the Desk of the President: Celebrating Recovery Month with the Governor
September is Recovery Month, an opportunity for our communities to recognize and celebrate that recovery is possible for all. Yesterday, I was able to attend breakfast at the Governor’s Mansion as we celebrated Recovery Month in the Commonwealth of Virginia and 2023 as the Year of the Peer. I was there with many in recovery, including Vocal Virginia staff members, and fellow Vocal Virginia board members. Before I found a personal recovery pathway that worked for me, I could never have imagined I would have the ability to do the work I do today. I am humbled and grateful for all of the ways recovery has provided me to support myself and others. Attending yesterday’s event was just one example of the many amazing opportunities recovery has allowed. Even on the days I do not want to continue to do the work to support recovery, I do it anyway. I hope you will do the same. To read more, please click here.
Eight Dimensions of Wellness: Physical Wellness
Holistic health is based on the idea that each part of the body, each system that fuels us, is interdependent on the healthy functioning of every other part and system. The body and brain are distinct but inseparable.
This concept underpins SAMHSA’s 8 Dimensions of Wellness, as demonstrated by previous newsletter articles.
As a reminder, SAMHSA’s 8 Dimensions of Wellness are:
• Emotional • Environmental
• Financial • Intellectual
• Occupational • Physical
• Social • Spiritual
In this last article, we’ll consider the physical realm of wellness. Of course, physical wellness is a significant element of overall wellness. But in its absence, it will likely complicate our efforts in the other seven dimensions. Poor physical health can, among many things, compromise our mental health, cause absences from work or volunteering, reduce our social exposure, and upset our finances with frequent visits to the doctor. To read more, please click here.
Member Spotlight: Vocal Virginia Board Member Christina Kimbrough
It was the summer of 2016, and I was living my best life, or so I thought. I was back living in my hometown of Cleveland, Ohio. The summer was spent at the beach, hanging with old friends and working at my at dream job.
I was a case manager working with refugees from around the world. It was my job to find them housing and get them settled into America for the first time. I loved my work. It was hard but very meaningful. To read more, please click here.
To read more of the Summer 2023 Newsletter, please click here.
