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Mental Health Advocacy 2025 Press Conference Announcement


Dear Advocates,

Mental Health Virginia, NAMI Virginia, Vocal Virginia, and Voices for Virginia’s Children are excited to announce we will be hosting a press conference to amplify the voices of mental health advocates across Virginia. We invite you to join us on Thursday, January 16th from 10:00 am – 10:30 am at the General Assembly Building. We will meet in the 2nd floor Committee Room Hall, outside House Committee Room B (205) at 9:45 am, and then head to the House Briefing Room down the hall. After the press conference, join us in distributing information about our legislative priorities to legislators through the General Assembly Building.

Attending In-Person

If you will be joining us in-person, it will be important to allow time to find parking and go through the General Assembly Building’s security. The address for the General Assembly Building is 201 N 9th St. Richmond, Va 23219. For parking directions, please click here. The public entrance to the General Assembly Building is from Broad Street. Visitors will be asked to pass through metal detectors and all personal belongings will be searched. To learn more about expectations for visiting the General Assembly Building, please click here.

Attending Virtually

Voices for Virginia’s Children will livestream this press conference on Instagram. To view the livestream, go to @va_kids on Instagram on Thursday at 10:00 am and click on the profile picture.

More Advocacy Resources

Voices for Virginia’s Children is hosting Our Voice, Our Future Intergenerational Advocacy Day on January 27th. For more information, click here and to register for the event, click here.

Voices for Virginia’s Children can also support folks who want to come speak to legislators in person, throughout session. If you are interested in setting up a meeting with your legislator, please contact Cat Atkinson, Policy Analyst, at

Vocal Virginia will be hosting an advocacy call every other week beginning on Friday, January 17, 2025, at 1:00 p.m. You may join the conversation by clicking here. You can follow updates and bills through our agency websites and social media.

Click here for our Advocacy Priority Issues one-pager.

Thank you for your support and advocacy!



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